Bogna Gniazdowska
1964, Warszawa
Painter and poet, graduate of the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts. Earned a diploma with distinction in the studios of Professor Stefan Gierowski and professor Ryszard Winiarski in 1990. Scholarship holder of the Minister of Culture in 1991. She had over 26 individual exhibitions, took part in over 50 collective shows in Poland and abroad. The artist is a co-author (with Olga Wolniak) of the movie - "Od tego nie uciekniesz" ["You can't run away from this"] and the author of three animated films "Limeryków Aliteracyjnych". In 2013, she was the curator of the first exhibition of individual APH winners in Warsaw. Author of two volumes of poems "Mój wybór" ["My Choice"] and "Czereśnie na klamce" ["Cherries on the handle"] (published by "Convivo"). She also published her poems in the "Kwartalnik Artystyczny".
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